Second Harvard International Conference on Chinese Pedagogy: Innovating Traditions

Friday, August 5, 2016

Second Harvard International Conference on Chinese Pedagogy:
Innovating Traditions
Chinese Language Program
Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations
Harvard University
September 23 - 24, 2016
Tsai Auditorium, CGIS South Building, 1730 Cambridge Street, Harvard University
The 2nd Harvard International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy (Harvard ICCP) will be held on September 23-24, 2016 at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The purpose of the Conference is to provide scholars from North America and across the globe an opportunity to interact, share and receive feedback on their latest work, and to discuss new currents and trends in Chinese language pedagogy.
The theme of this session of the ICCP will be: Innovating Traditions. Surging interest in the dual-language immersion method, the widespread popularity of MOOCs, the emergence of practical language-learning software and apps, the establishment of various linguistic databases—all of these developments have a significant impact on all the different components of Chinese language pedagogy, including the design of curricula, the production of teaching materials, and the training of teachers. The Conference will thus focus on how we can continually reform, innovate, and incorporate new strategies and resources on the solid foundations of existing pedagogy.
The Conference will take place over the course of two days. The 23rd will be devoted to pedagogy workshops geared towards primary-, secondary-, and college-level teachers of Chinese who are interested in learning more about Harvard’s own Chinese language pedagogy. The 24th will be devoted to talks from individual scholars and discussion among all participants.